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LESSON 4 - Movements and Forces exerted on the Surfboards

LESSON 4 - Movements and Forces exerted on the Surfboards

In this class I will talk about the Forces that the Surfer exerts on the board, and also about the Surfboard Movements.

How a surfboard works is unlike anything else that moves on the surface of the water, it has nothing to do with the way a speedboat, sailboat, rowing boat, canoe, or any other thing moves. another type of vessel.

The surfer exerts forces and torques to turn and move the board in every possible way.

This can happen in any direction in space, using 3 axes of rotation, with combined movements, as a result, the board moves in a three-dimensional way.

The plane is the closest thing to the movement of a surfboard, and therefore, I will use the movements of the plane to explain the movements of the surfboard.

I will introduce the concept of torque, and how the swingweight effect works on surfboards.