Woods of Surfing
Learn about the use of Wood when building your own Wooden Surfboards!
Why Wooden Surfboards?
Learn more about the comeback of hollow boards made of wood, that now have a modern and sustainable approach, always remembering the ancient Hawaiians and the legacy they left to us.
How to build a surfboard
Learn more about wooden surfboards and how they are made. Handmade process, sustainability and performance.
Surfboards and their hidden environmental
The surfer, in direct contact with nature, have the mission to preserve as much as possible our biosphere, especially the sea and the beaches, which is where the surfer lives his...
Nov 4, 2019 Re-posty
Sustentabilidade, tecnologia e arte – a
Garrett McNamara apresenta-nos um conceito inovador, criado por quem vive o mar como ele. Um novo caminho na relação entre os surfistas e a Natureza.
Be a University Certified Shaper
From the perspective of knowledge transmission, in partnership with UNISUL University, we will be conducting an unprecedented Workshop on Sustainable Surfboard Construction, this...